Monday 30 April 2012

Book or Movie?

Each time a new movie comes out that is based on a book, I hear a lot of conversation about the pros and cons of reading the book first versus watching the movie first.  Some people feel that if you read the book first then you get a better understanding of the plot and characters and have more of an opportunity to create the characters in your own mind using your imagination. An obvious downside of this is that you open yourself to disappointment, if the characters in the movie don’t meet your expectations.
Some people prefer to watch the movie first and get an overview of the story and a ready-made perception of the characters and then read the book after to fill in the gaps, although others maintain that the story is often too confusing to follow without reading the book first.
The practical reality of movies is that they need to fit all the action into a certain amount of time and budget, whereas a book can be as long and fantastical as the author decides it should be. So when the screenwriters and directors come to make a book into a movie, they have to be selective about what they put in and what they leave out.  This is a very subjective process and there is often debate that vital elements have been left out of the movie even though they were pivotal in the book.
Whether you read the book first or watch the movie first, I would always suggest that you do take the time to read and enjoy the book complete with its intricate descriptions and scope for imagination. The original story will always be exactly what the writer wants you to perceive so you have a window into his or her thoughts and feelings.  You can spend as much time as you need or want to absorb and enjoy the story and go back and reread favourite, confusing or surprising parts. As much as we all like to spend time socialising with our friends, it is sometimes very refreshing to have some private quality time with a book.

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